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Encountering Jesus and seeking ongoing conversion, our mission as a Church is two-fold: to gather God’s people to build up the Church as a welcoming community of missionary disciples, and to reach out in love as a Church in and for the world. The ministries funded by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal serve these two central parts of our mission as followers of Jesus Christ.

Building Up the Church

It is often said that you cannot give what you do not have yourself. As a Church, we have an important responsibility to nurture and grow the seeds of faith that are planted in baptism. These ministries are aimed at forming people within the church so that they can in turn reach out in love.

Education and Formation

Education and formation programs supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal offer members of our Catholic community direct opportunities to deepen their understanding and application of faith throughout their lives, both at a personal level as well as to prepare people to teach and lead others.

Adult Faith Enrichment and Indigenous Faith Enrichment (previously known as Lay Formation) – A two-year program where participants learn about their Catholic faith, enhance their spiritual growth, and form a strong faith community with fellow participants, Lay Formation offers a diverse experience of the ways that Catholic faith is lived in light of culture, with three streams of formation: Diocesan, Aboriginal and Ukrainian Catholic.

Foundations: Exploring our Faith Together – This ministry offers presentations on a range of topics, with sessions available to every parish in the diocese.

Evangelization and Catechesis – This office supports parish leadership in evangelizing and forming communities of intentional disciples, including providing resources and support related to sacramental preparation for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist for all ages across the diocese, as well as RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).

Education of Laity – Funding is available for lay Catholics (individuals or groups) who wish to receive training in order to expand or offer a ministry within their parish and/or the diocese.

Education of Priests and Future Priests – funding is provided for ongoing education for our clergy and seminarians.

Pastoral Life and Mission

The members of our Church are called to live out their Christian identity in every moment and stage of their lives.  These ministries support people and families in living out their baptismal commitment in the world.

Vocations Promotion – Offered in conjunction with Youth Ministry, the Vocations office strives to promote awareness of all vocations and to foster discernment of God’s call to priesthood or religious life.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry – This ministry aims to help young people get to know their faith, embrace it, and discover God’s plan for their lives. The diocesan Youth Ministry Office offers support to parishes in providing youth ministry, and coordinates programs and events to inspire and encourage youth.

Aboriginal Parish Ministry – Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish is a Roman Catholic faith community ministering with Aboriginal, First Nations and Métis people. The pastoral team leads the parish and provides community outreach, including an emergency food pantry for those in need.

Liturgy Commission – This commission is responsible for providing leadership to the diocese in the areas of liturgy and worship.  The Liturgy Commission works with the diocesan choir, and coordinates celebrations of the Word and Liturgy of the Hours, as well as diocesan liturgies.

Communications and Resources

Communications – The diocesan Office of Communications oversees publication of newsletters, news coverage, bulletin announcements, posters, promotional materials, videos, social media and websites to keep parishioners informed of diocesan news and programming.  (Visit our website and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.)