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We all have people who have blessed us. The Bishop’s Annual Appeal is an opportunity to honour their efforts by continuing their work. By giving generously you help to spread the blessing in our diocese.

Ways to Give

You may make your gift in full or in part when you make a pledge. Pledge forms can be obtained from one of your parish BAA volunteers, your parish office or online. Please return your pledge to your parish.

Direct Debit: With a pre-authorized payment plan, you can arrange for monthly contributions to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal to be automatically withdrawn from your bank account. Simply complete the pledge from and return it along with a void cheque. If you are already using this plan, please renew your commitment annually.

Credit Card: You may make a single gift or arrange for monthly contributions to be billed to your credit card. We accept Visa, Mastercard, or American Express.

Cheque: Please make cheques payable to: ‘Bishops Annual Appeal – Name of Your Parish’. Post-dated cheques are welcome.

Gifts of Publicly Traded Stocks: Please contact the Bishop`s Appeal Office at 306-659-5851 for further information.

Download and print your pledge form today.

Income 1% Monthly* Quarterly Semi-Annually
$100,000 $1,000 $100 $250 $500
$50,000 $500 $50 $125 $250
$40,000 $400 $40 $100 $200
$30,000 $300 $30 $75 $150
$20,000 $200 $20 $50 $100

*For pledges over a 10 month period October 2015 – July 2016


For more information contact the Appeal office:

123 Nelson Road , Saskatoon, SK S7S 1H1
e-mail: cgilje@dscf.ca