Tribute Donations
Your tribute gift salutes the ones you care about while answering the prayers of many in our communities, parishes, and Diocese.
You can make a donation to the Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation as a way to pay tribute to a loved one on a special occasion. You can mark a birthday, anniversary, baptism, retirement, or any other significant events.
When we receive your gift, we will send a letter or card to the honouree in acknowledgment of your thoughtful donation (the amount will not be included). When donating a tribute gift, please include the name and address of the honouree.
You will receive an official tax receipt confirming the details of your donation.
The Diocese of Saskatoon Catholic Foundation issues tax receipts for donations of $20 or more. To ensure proper receipting, we ask that the donor’s full address and contact information is provided: full name, address, city, province, postal code, email address, phone number.
We now accept electronic transfers: (In the memo please include your name, address, parish, and campaign you are supporting)